Don Garlits drives electric Swamp Rat #37 in preparation of record attempt

“Big Daddy” Don Garlits is a legend in drag racing. Over the decades he’s set a lot of records, and was the first to break hit 200 miles per hour in the quarter-mile (and the eighth-mile, for that matter). Now, at the tender age of 81, he’s getting ready to do it again. This time, in an electric dragster.

Lawless EV Racing, the guys behind the world’s quickest electric motorcycle, have put together Swamp Rat #37 for Mr Garlits with the express purpose of warping down the track in six seconds at speeds in excess of 200 mph.The elongated machine depends on three Zilla controllers to send 1500 kW – the equivalent of 2012 horsepower – from the custom High Tech Systems battery pack to the General Electric series DC motor.

The project arose after Big Daddy’s previous electric dragster experience – some match races in cars with golf cart-like performance – had left him with the impression that EVs are slow. With a little preliminary testing under his belt, Garlits now knows this is not the case.